The Lavender Dollar: Debunking Lesbian Spending Stereotypes

BUSINESS | By Merryn Johns | Dec 19, 2020

The cultural invisibility of lesbians and the struggle to keep lesbian spaces alive tend to reinforce the image of queer women as financially incapacitated or, at best, inconspicuous. But lesbians do spend money, don't they?

How LGBTQ Voters and Candidates Could Change America's Landscape

How LGBTQ Voters and Candidates Could Change America's Landscape

POLITICS | By Kelsy Chauvin | Oct 30, 2020

"When we're voting, it's easy to think it's just for a candidate or party we align with, but it's so much more than that," says Drag Out the Vote's Dylan Austin. "Everything is interconnected." EDGE takes a comprehensive look at election 2020.

Election 2020: Mobilizing the LGBTQ Digital Generation

Election 2020: Mobilizing the LGBTQ Digital Generation

NATIONAL | By Kelsy Chauvin | Oct 30, 2020

If younger LGBTQ Americans transform their passions for issues like climate change, gun control, and racial and gender equality from social media likes into actual votes, voter-turnout records could be smashed in November.

For the LGBTQ Community, Even Small Races Can Have Big Impact

For the LGBTQ Community, Even Small Races Can Have Big Impact

POLITICS | By Kelsy Chauvin | Oct 29, 2020

Politics begin at the local level, where community organizers and volunteers are part of the foundation from which future state and national candidates sprout. San Diego provides a case study about the impact of LGBTQ politicians and voters.

How LGBTQ Women Have Become America's Progressive Engine

How LGBTQ Women Have Become America's Progressive Engine

NATIONAL | By Kelsy Chauvin | Oct 28, 2020

"We have a community whose members are making a voting plan," says one expert. "LGBTQ and trans women are more likely to vote by mail than straight women, and more LGBTQ women plan to vote overall."

The Victory Fund Wants LGBTQ Candidates to Sweep This November

The Victory Fund Wants LGBTQ Candidates to Sweep This November

POLITICS | By Kelsy Chauvin | Oct 27, 2020

"Now that it's October, people are even more attentive, and LGBTQ voters, in particular, should find motivation to vote in their own best interests," says Sean Meloy, senior political director at the LGBTQ Victory Fund.

In Illinois, State-Mandated LGBTQ History for Students Becomes a Reality

In Illinois, State-Mandated LGBTQ History for Students Becomes a Reality

NATIONAL | By Dale Pauly | Oct 24, 2020

LGBTQ History Month is having a much broader impact in Illinois this year, thanks to a new law that mandates the teaching of LGBTQ heritage in public schools across the state.

LGBTQ Mental Health and Suicide: How Can We Save the Next Generation?

LGBTQ Mental Health and Suicide: How Can We Save the Next Generation?

HEALTH | By Merryn Johns | Sep 28, 2020

A new national survey from The Trevor Project reveals alarming statistics regarding mental health and suicide rates of LGBTQ youth. Does it get better? It depends on who you ask.

Why Are Hispanic/Latino Men 4 Times More Likely to Get HIV Than White Men?

HEALTH | By Billy McEntee | Sep 27, 2020

Despite an overall decrease in HIV infection rates, the rates for Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men are more than four times that of white males. EDGE finds out why.

Shelter Not in Place: Solving the LGBTQ Homeless Epidemic

Shelter Not in Place: Solving the LGBTQ Homeless Epidemic

NATIONAL | By Merryn Johns | Sep 19, 2020

A new study reveals that sexual minority adults experience homelessness nearly three times that of the general population. This is their story.

Has 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Reached a Trans Tipping Point?

Has 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Reached a Trans Tipping Point?

ENTERTAINMENT | By Naveen Kumar | Sep 12, 2020

RuPaul famously tells her cover girls to let their whole bodies talk. But in the time since her ascension to self-proclaimed supermodel of the world, whose bodies are allowed in the conversation has become a strong point of contention.

LGBTQ Immigrants Face Excruciating Waiting Game Under Federal Rule

LGBTQ Immigrants Face Excruciating Waiting Game Under Federal Rule

NATIONAL | By Dale Pauly | Jul 29, 2020

The long road to citizenship, hindered by a broken American immigration system strongly stacked against LGBTQ émigrés, has become increasingly hostile under the Trump administration.

For LGBTQ Immigrants, the Pandemic Threatens Lives Already in Dangerous Limbo

INTERNATIONAL | By Dale Pauly | Jul 28, 2020

For LGBTQ immigrants already living tremendously marginalized and precarious lives, the deadly pandemic is adding even more layers of danger and uncertainty.

Is Artificial Intelligence Queerphobic?

Is Artificial Intelligence Queerphobic?

NATIONAL | By Merryn Johns | Jul 17, 2020

"We've definitely seen homophobic, heteronormative and racist values seep into AI," says Lesbians Who Tech Founder Leanne Pittsford. Find out how in EDGE's latest investigative feature.

Progress, But Hardly Perfection: The Reality for India's LGBTQ Community

INTERNATIONAL | By Merryn Johns | May 6, 2020

It's been more than a year since India amended its laws criminalizing sexual acts between consenting adults of the same gender. But have things improved for the LGBTQ community?

Coronavirus — Its Impact on HIV and the LGBTQ Community

Coronavirus — Its Impact on HIV and the LGBTQ Community

NEWS | By Merryn Johns | Mar 17, 2020

The WHO has declared a global pandemic as coronavirus (COVID-19), which has killed 7,500 people globally & infected over 185,000, rapidly spreads. The LGBTQ community & those living with HIV are quickly mobilizing to understand & respond.

Fighting the Silence: How LGBTQ Native Americans are Making Their Voices Heard

Fighting the Silence: How LGBTQ Native Americans are Making Their Voices Heard

NATIONAL | By Andy Smith | Mar 3, 2020

Life for many of today's LGBTQ Native Americans looks like the worst of queer white America before Stonewall, but grassroots efforts are trying to reconcile and repair centuries of oppression.

President Pence: Did the LGBTQ Community Dodge a Bullet?

NATIONAL | By Merryn Johns | Feb 10, 2020

Dream: Donald Trump is impeached and removed from office. Nightmare: Mike Pence is President of the United States.

The LGBTQ Cruise Industry: What You Need to Know

TRAVEL | By Jill Gleeson | Jan 7, 2020

LGBTQ travelers are three times more likely to cruise than our straight counterparts. If you're considering a cruise in 2020, here's the lowdown on the major players and a shifting industry.

The Truth About the Escalating Anti-Transgender Crime Epidemic

NATIONAL | By Merryn Johns | Dec 19, 2019

At least 22 transgender and gender non-conforming people have been killed in the U.S. this year — 91 percent of them were black women. We are a community in crisis. How is the nation responding?

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