Superman: The Motion Picture Anthology (1978-2006)
The greatest superhero of all time (with the most recognizable costume) touches down on Blu-ray June 7th bringing with him a universe of extras.
"Superman: The Motion Picture" and "Superman II" have always been held up as the quintessential superhero movies and this is no more evident than in a crystal clear Blu-ray release that gives the saga a colorful look that makes every red, white, and blue pop off the screen.
While it's common knowledge that Christopher Reeve's performance as the superhero to beat all superheroes was spot on and something he was born to play, this collection truly lets you discover this again... or even share it with a new generation.
While the third and fourth films of the original franchise leave a lot to be desired, and the Bryan Singer directed update starring Brandon Routh doesn't match the first two films in originality, charm, and scope, the Superman Anthology set has so many extra gifts, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it all.
As for the features, the set includes "Superman: The Movie" on one disc, with the Expanded Edition on another. Disc three sports "Superman II," the feature that introduces the Phantom Zone criminals, and disc four houses "Superman II: The Richard Donnor Cut." As the legend goes, Donnor left the project and Richard Lester was brought in to complete it. But he changed a lot of what Donnor had planted, so he became the first director in history to go back and complete the film in the vision he had intended. Discs 5 and 6 hold "Superman III" with Richard Pryor and Annette O'Toole, and "Superman IV The Quest of Peace" with Gene Hackman returning as the villainous Lex Luthor. Disc 7 brings the 2006 reboot "Superman Returns" to Blu-ray starring newcomer Routh in an attempt to jump-start the series again.
While each disc has plenty of fun extras like isolated music tracks, Warner Bros. Superman Cartoons, Commentary, vintage TV specials, screen tests, and even a "Superman and the Mole-Men" feature film from 1951, the 8th disc includes a full-length documentary on the history of the iconic superhero, a feature on the Cinematic Saga of Superman, as well as featurettes on the Science and Mythology of Superman, a tribute to Christopher Reeve, and even the pilot to the 1958 series "The Adventures of Superpup."