Paul Ryan - Eye Candy? The Debate Is On
Hours before vice presidential Republican candidate Paul Ryan faced off against current Vice President Joe Biden in the debate, Time released a handful of workout photos, titled "Paul Ryan: Pumped for His Closeup," of the Wisconsin Congressman that sent the nation into a tizzy.
Several media outlets have reacted to the pictures, which feature Ryan wearing a fire truck red baseball cap, a grey T-shirt and black gym shorts. When Gawker ran the story, the headline read, "Paul Ryan Has Already Lost the Debate Based on These Workout Photos," and the media website wrote, "Well, shut it down, Biden has won, no need to show up today, might as well stay home and moisturize, 'SNOWFLAKE' Ryan." The site also points out the only actual workout Ryan is doing in the photos is a curl, "literally every workout shot features Paul Ryan doing curls (even concentration curls, which are like 'gee these regular curls were slightly too functional for me, can I get some curls that are made out of 100% ego rather than just 95% ego, please?')."
The Washington Post compared Ryan to a "Jersey Shore" wannabe, saying it was hard to believe the conservative politician was considered for Time's 2011 "Person of the Year" award.
But Slate doesn't think the photos will negatively impact Ryan, "But are the Paul Ryan photos the great equalizer? Not quite," the site writes.
"Though Time paired Ryan's photos with a discussion of the P90X routine, the rest of the Internet was quick to tie the body snarking to Ryan's political persona." The site goes on to say, "Yes, male politicians get reamed for over-the-top photo-ops. But otherwise, the bodies of fat old white guys and understated male beauties generally scoot by unscathed.
Despite the build-up, Paul Ryan's glamour shots didn't seem to affect his debate performance last night. He was still free to join another white man to argue over whether women should have the right to control their own bodies."
Meghan McCain, daughter 2008 presidential nominee John McCain, said Ryan was "hot" after seeing his photoset in Time, according to Poltico.
"Seriously, he's hot," she said on Larry King's web show Thursday. "I like a hot vice president."
McCain also defended Ryan against video blogger Dan Brown who brought up the photos.
"If you look at the pictures of him working out today, he's someone who's a little out of touch with what young people are into," Brown said.
"Because he goes to the gym?" McCain responded. "Because he's got a nice body? He's disconnected from young people because he's got a nice body? ...Literally, What are you talking about, man?"
Time's photoset received over 1,000 comments from readers who had strong reactions to the workout images.
"Ryan looks like just what America needs! Young people will definitely relate!" jp2feminist wrote. "The only young people relating to Ryan in these photos are the Jersey Shore wannabes," LK312 wrote. "The rest look at him and think that he's a$shat backwards. P.S. Looking at these photos makes me think of a Mentos commercial."
"Awesome! Obviously Ryan lives a life of balance and discipline. Something the White House has been lacking for quite sometime," another reader commented.
Whether you liked Ryan's workout pictures or not, you may want to check out EDGE's own GOP and Democratic Hotties list.