To Same Sex Kiss or Not Same Sex Kiss?

Wednesday January 30, 2013

Michael Musto at the Village Voice reported yesterday about a same-sex kiss that is being cut from an upcoming production.

No, it is not happening in Manhattan, but in Dallas, at the city's Lyric Stage where a production of a long-forgotten Frank Loesser musical "Pleasures and Palaces" recently completed its run.

In it one actor was to have a comic, same-sex kiss with another.

Then, according to Musto, a "source tells me that one of the men, actor Bryant Martin, announced approximately a week before opening that he objected to the kiss on religious grounds.

"Rather than cutting him, they cut the bit.

"I didn't know institutionalized bigotry was allowed as an excuse to interfere with the creative process.

"I'd love to get Bryant's point of view, but he doesn't seem to be on Facebook or Twitter, so I've reached out to the Lyric's managing director and am awaiting a reply.

"It's been over a day and she must be pleasuring herself in her palace because she's not answering," quipped Musto in conclusion.

We might be trading in stereotypes here, but from the looks of the Lyric's line-up, they have pretty gay-friendly season. In addition to "Pleasures and Palaces," they recently completed an acclaimed production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma!" and next up is a production of the little-seen Rodgers and Hart 1939 show "Too Many Girls," as well as "The Music Man."

Next season includes "Mame" and a new musical based on "The Glass Menagerie."

Please, does it get much gayer than that?

But should the theater have fired the actor or cut the kiss?