’The Daily Show’ Takes on Grindr and Bi-Partisan Curious Republicans


EDGE Media Network Contributor

Thursday October 10, 2013

The term "bipartisan curious" entered the cultural lexicon Wednesday night during "The Daily Show"'s latest edition of "Shutstorm 2013," the popular late night comedy news program's ongoing coverage of the government shutdown.

As the government shutdown enters its second week, Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" poked fun at the silent group of moderate House Republicans who claim they would vote for a resolution if it were put forward by Speaker John Boehner. During the segment featuring faux field reporter Al Madrigal, the "Daily Show" regular banters back and forth with host Jon Srewart about these moderate Republicans, labeling them "bipartisan curious."

Stewart : Why are these moderate Republicans hiding behind closed doors?

Madrigal: Maybe they're afraid they won't be accepted by their families and colleagues for who they are.

Stewart: Judged for what? Being moderate?

Medrigal: They prefer the term "bipartisan curious"

The segment then goes on to describe a Grindr like application called "Votr" which allows moderate Republicans to find each other via cell phone.

Watch the segment below: