Drag Feud Gets Ugly: Megyn Kelly Tells Charlize Theron to 'Come and F*** Me Up'

Saturday May 13, 2023

Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly  (Source:Twitter)

Forgotten but not gone conservative pundit Megyn Kelly is back in the tabloids after challenging actress Charlize Theron to 'come and f*** me up', after Theron vowed to attack anyone who had issues with drag queens. The two have a history: Theron played Kelly in the film about sexual harassment at Fox News, "Bombshell."

"Theron, whose adopted seven-year-old son Jackson identifies as female, on May 7 addressed a 'Drag Isn't Dangerous' telethon to lobby against the mass of legislation currently being debated statewide to curtail trans rights," writes the Daily Mail.

"Theron said she would 'f*** up' anyone who is 'trying to f*** with you guys'. On Friday, Kelly replied: 'Why doesn't Charlize Theron come and f*** me up?'

" 'I'm 100 percent against her on this,' Kelly said."

"Yes, there are fun drag queen shows — I've been to them," the newspaper quoted Kelly as saying. "When we lived in Chicago I went to one and it was super fun. It was all adults. But there are drag queen shows out there right now that are deeply disturbing, and they are happening in front of young children."

She also claimed (without offering proof) that drag events "include the grooming of young children."

"Kelly's guest, activist Sara Gonzales, who campaigns to end drag shows for children, said she was horrified by the sexualization of children, and told of attending a drag brunch where a child was present," the account added. Conservative blogger Gonzales is the host of "The News and Why It Matters" on BlazeTV, and CEO of American Beauty.

She is on a crusade to shut down drag shows for minors. To Kelly she said: "There was one of the drag queens wearing an incredibly sheer outfit. This is just what is happening. I went there and saw this child being exploited and sexually abused."

Gonzales claimed that drag queens were "infecting their minds," saying it was "disgusting". Adding, "All we are doing is asking: please stop doing this in front of children."

Neither Kelly or Gonzales offered any legitimate research into the subject in their argument.

For her part, Oscar-winning Theron said that "if you've ever seen a drag queen lip sync for her life, it only makes you happier, it only makes you love more. It makes you a better person."

"F***, if I could do a death drop right now I would, but I would probably like, break my hip," Theron added, "referencing a popular drag move," the Mail said.

Theron ended her time by asking viewers to "support all the great organizations that are out there helping all of this nonsense going away like it should, all of these incredibly stupid policies."