Go-Go’s Jane Wiedlin and Gina Schock Give Back To Muttville SF

by BeBe Sweetbriar

EDGE Media Network Contributor

Wednesday March 3, 2010

It's not uncommon these days for celebrities to get behind a crusade, and lend their image, give their time and money, or give their talent. But there is something special about the commitment to animal rights and the rescue of senior dogs by Go-Go's band mates Jane Wiedlin, rhythm guitar and vocals, and Gina Schock, drummer.

Being the proud parents of some five dog companions between the two of them, both San Francisco residents have latched on to Muttville Sherry Franklin's Muttville organization which has rescued and found permanent and foster homes for senior dogs for the past 3 years. Wiedlin and Schock will be celebrity guest judges next week (March 8) at "Do Or Die", a weekly Gong Show-type talent contest in the Castro, where Muttville is the recipient of the fundraising efforts during the show.

Why SF?

BeBe: You both have been to cities all over the country, but have chosen San Francisco as your home. Why?

Gina: I have lived in Bernal Heights for five years now. I love it. I think San Francisco is where kids should be raised to learn tolerance and acceptance. Families should be forced to live here for 5 or so years with their children.

Jane: I just moved to San Francisco weeks ago to Noe Valley with my sister Megan and our 5 dogs. Before moving here I heard San Francisco was a dog centric city, but I didn't realize how centric until moving here. And, that's okay by me.

Why dog rights advocacy?

BeBe: It's good to see celebrities not only talking the talk, but walking the walk when it comes to the things they support. You two have strong feelings about animal rights, in specific, dog rights.

Gina: In Baltimore, I had neighbors that would leave dogs out and neglect them. I would call the authorities on them, regularly. Then I found out that after they took the dogs away, they (the neighbors) went and got more dogs to abuse. There should be a law that prevents people who have dogs taken away from ever getting more.

Jane: I think you should have a license to make babies and breed dogs. If that makes me a fascist, so be it. It shouldn't be harder to go fishing than doing either of these two.

BeBe: You see actors and musicians in paparazzi pictures with their dogs all the time. When you were on tour with the Go-Go's, did you ladies take your dogs with you?

Gina: No, I never took them on tour. It was too hectic and scary back then. There was already too much going on with 5 girls on a tour bus.

Jane: On the Foreign Nights Tour a few years ago, I brought my Italian greyhound, Peanut, along. Everyone at the hotel loved her. They knew her name and everything.

BeBe: How important is it for you to be apart of supporting local community organizations in your animal advocacy?

Gina: For me, very (important). Muttville and Rocket Dog are two organizations I support with a good sized check every year.

Jane: When I moved here, I made a checklist of things I wanted to do and get involved with, and to continue working with dog rescue was one of them. I want to work with the local groups because you can see where the money goes. You know you are saving a dog's life.

Why Muttville?

BeBe: Why Muttville?

Gina: I met Sherry (Muttville's founder) at an event, and we got to talking about older dogs. She was telling me how her organization takes the older dogs from the pounds to try and find homes for them before they are to be put down. They are very hard to find rescue homes for.

Jane: I learned of Muttville through Gina when she moved up here. I thought if I'm in San Francisco, I want to help, too. Rescuing dogs older dogs.

BeBe: You both have a long history of fighting for animal rights, and I am sure would be just as involved regardless of your celebrity. But, how important has your celebrity been in your efforts with your advocacy?

Jane: I don't feel I am a celebrity, just a person. I wish I was more of a celebrity to do more and raise more money.

BeBe: Well, what about a benefit show with a Go-Go's reunion?

Gina: Funny you say that. We are working on a benefit show here in San Francisco. Most likely two shows (back-to-back days) where proceeds from one are for the benefit.

So, Wiedlin and Schock hit all three on the celebrity commitment chart for lending their image with appearances, giving of their time and money to support the organizations in which they believe, and giving of their talent with benefit concerts. The anticipation of a Go-Go's reunion here in San Francisco is a killer, but until then, it will not be uncommon to see Jane and Gina giving back to the animal rights and dog rescue groups on a regular basis here in San Francisco.

You can catch Jane Wiedlin and Gina Schock be celebrity judges at the Do Or Die Talent Show Season 1 Finals benefiting Muttville @ The Mix, 4086 - 18th Street (Castro), San Francisco, CA. 6pm - 10pm

Based out of San Francisco, BEBE SWEETBRIAR is the Omni Present Drag Chanteuse. As an entertainer and hostess, BeBe can be scene every week hosting and performing at countless events and parties in the San Francisco. One of the few drag personalities to sing live while performing, BeBe has literally graced every notable stage in San Francisco, bridging many gay sub-community gaps. She has also been the opening act for Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland, "Ugly Betty's" Alec Mapa and Dance Diva Kristine W. Adding recording artist to her list of performance accomplishments in 2008 with the release of her first single "Save Me", Ms. Sweetbriar will soon release her fifth dance single in 2012 called "Show It Off".. As an actress, BeBe was introduced to film with a lead role in the independent film "Under One Sun" with her character dealing with religious, racial and gender issues. Additionally, she appeared in the campy musical "Devious, Inc" (Australian Film Festival, San Francisco Short Film Fest) also adding additional vocals to the musical soundtrack. Both of these performances led to her selection for a lead role in Aisha Media's next short film series, "Con-tin.u.um" to be released in 2012.