Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS Hosts Dallas Casino Night
DALLAS - The dice will be rolling and 21 will be everyone's lucky number when Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS hosts its fourth annual Casino Night on Thursday August 4 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Hosted by Audi Dallas, 5033 Lemmon Ave., games of chance will include Craps, Blackjack, Roulette and Hold 'Em.
When the tables close, players can spend their winnings at the silent auction featuring items such as hotel packages at exciting destinations, a $250 Aveda gift certificate, a $500 personal training package and more. Tickets are $50 in advance and $65 at the door and will include cocktails and appetizers as well as enough chips to get started at the tables.
"The LSRFA Casino Night is one of our most popular fundraisers and we want everyone to come out and have a great time while supporting the ride and our three beneficiaries," said John Tripp, LSRFA co-chair. "With drinks provided by Zodiac Vodka, food from Spotlight Catering and the most popular games of chance available to play, the evening will be entertaining for anyone, whether you are a regular LSRFA participant or supporter or not. In fact, we really want folks to come out who aren't familiar with us, because our beneficiaries need everyone's help to assist thousands of North Texans with HIV/AIDS."
Since 2001, the LSRFA has distributed more than $1.9 million to its beneficiaries: AIDS Outreach Center of Tarrant County, AIDS Services of Dallas and Resource Center Dallas. These agencies use the money raised by the LSRFA to provide a variety of services and support for North Texans impacted by HIV/AIDS, including meals, housing, education and outreach, dental care, HIV testing, case management, transportation, counseling and more.
"The eleventh LSRFA rides out from the American Airlines Training and Conference Center south of DFW Airport on September 24-25, 2011," said Danny Simpson, LSRFA event co-chair. "Until then, our cyclists are busy training and raising money. We look forward to Casino Night each year as way to have fun while still working for this cause that we all care so much about."
Advance tickets to the LSRFA Casino Night are available online at http://www.kintera.org/AutoGen/ECommerce/Catalog.asp?ievent=280965&en=kvJQL4PRKjKSK4OPKaLOLbMYLrJ1LePUJkI4IfO1JvLdE&CategoryID=257489. Rider and crew registration as well as additional information about the LSRFA is also available online at www.lonestarride.org
Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS is a two-day cycling adventure through scenic suburban and country roads winding through and around Dallas/Fort Worth on September 24 and 25, 2011. Now in its eleventh year, LSRFA offers a number of routes ranging from a one-day, 45 mile ride to a two-day, 180 mile ride. LSRFA is an independent, non-profit organization that benefits AIDS Services of Dallas (ASD), AIDS Outreach Center of Tarrant County (AOC) and Resource Center Dallas (RCD).
Monies raised by the ride are used by the beneficiaries to offer services including housing, hot meals, food pantries, HIV testing, counseling and other basic needs for more than 20,000 clients with HIV/AIDS in North Texas. A grass roots, volunteer supported organization, LSRFA has donated nearly $2 million to our three beneficiary agencies since 2001. Additional information is available online at www.lonestarride.org