Maine Design Show to Become Destination Home Show in New England
Portland, Maine - Kevin Thomas, Publisher of Maine Home+Design announced today that the Maine Home+Design Midcoast Show name has been retired and that in early summer the 2012 event will re-emerge as the Maine Home+Design Show. The Show, which is slated for Saturday June 30 and Sunday July 1, 2012, will be held in a specially constructed tent at the Camden Hills Regional High School in Rockport.
"Moving the show to its new location is a symbolic gesture that represents the vitality of a revisioned experience," said Thomas. "Our home shows have always been great successes for exhibitors and attendees but as we looked at the model we challenged ourselves to do better, to take it up a notch. So we renamed it and developed a special exhibit space that will give us the opportunity to bring the pages of our magazine to life," he added.
The Show, which will coincide with Cellardoor Winery's Pop The Cork celebration scheduled for June 28, is a solid reason for people to make plans for a long weekend in the midcoast of Maine. The weekend will begin with an incredible wine and food experience and culminate with incredible exhibits at the home show set up by over one hundred businesses who help people make their houses homes through redesign and craftsmanship.
The Maine Home+Design Show:
� Will be held in a specially constructed 30,000 square foot Clear Span semi-permanent structure on the grounds of Camden Hills Regional High School in Rockport - a more cohesive exhibition experience.
� Will feature The AIA Pavilion where 20 visionary architects showcase their designs and meet attendees to answer their design and home-building questions - the only event of its kind in Maine.
For more information on about the Show contact Leanne Ouimet [email protected]. To learn more about Maine Home+Design visit
Published ten times a year by The Maine Media Collective, Maine Home + Design is the state's definitive design publication that gives readers a fresh look at the incredible craftsmanship in Maine. In addition, The Maine Media Collective is home to Maine Magazine, Eat Maine, Art Maine, and The Brand Company - a marketing firm.
For more information visit