Which DC Comics Superhero Will Come Out?
DC Comics announced that one of its major superhero characters will come out of the closet in a feature issue.
During the Kapow Comic Convention in London, Dan DiDio, a co-publisher of DC Comics, said that one of the company's established superheroes, who was introduced as straight, will become "one of our most prominent gay characters," Bleeding Cool reported.
DC Comics have created a number of well-known superheroes over the years that have become part of American culture, including Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and more. There is a great possibility that any of these iconic lifesavers could be the newest member of the LGBT community.
But featuring gays in comics or including them into storylines is nothing new for the comic world.
It was reported in March that Northstar, one of the first openly gay comic book superheroes, would officially tie the knot with his boyfriend in an upcoming issue of Marvel's "Astonishing X-Men." The hero, who first appeared in 1979, will marry his partner Kyle in a comic that hits stores on June 20.
A Scottish comic book writer who has written for "New X-Men," "Fantastic Four," "Batman," and others addressed Batman's longtime questioned sexuality in the April issue of Playboy. Grant Morrison said that the iconic superhero is "very, very, gay."
"Gayness is built into Batman," Morrison told the magazine. "I'm not using gay in the pejorative sense, but Batman is very, very gay. There's just no denying it. Obviously as a fictional character he's intended to be heterosexual, but the basis of the whole concept is utterly gay. I think that's why people like it.
Some comics have even tackled LGBT issues on a much more realistic level.
The creator of the popular comic strip "Funky Winkerbean" said he will create a storyline that centers around gay rights. The comic strip has addressed hot-button topics in the past, such as teen pregnancy, capital punishment, suicide, drunk driving and more. But the upcoming comics will focus on a gay couple that wants to attend the prom in the series' high school.
Back in January Archie Comics' only openly gay character, Kevin Keller, married his partner Clay Walker in an issue of "Life With Archie." Although many comic book fans and LGBT activists celebrated the comic, the anti-gay marriage organization One Million Moms criticized the issue and asked Toys 'R' Us to remove it from its shelves.
"We stand by Life with Archie #16. As I've said before, Riverdale is a safe, welcoming place that does not judge anyone," Archie Comic's co-CEO, John Goldwater said. "It's an idealized version of America that will hopefully become reality someday. We're sorry the American Family Association/OneMillionMoms.com feels so negatively about our product, but they have every right to their opinion, just like we have the right to stand by ours. Kevin Keller will forever be a part of Riverdale, and he will live a happy, long life free of prejudice, hate and narrow-minded people."