Hollywood Meets History at Titanic Museum Attraction

Sunday February 12, 2012

Pigeon Forge, TN - Fans of the Hollywood blockbuster Titanic don't have to wait for the film's 3D re-release to feel close enough to reach out and touch the story. The first-ever museum exhibit of actual props, costumes and items from the movie go on display at the Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, in January 2012 as part of the museum's Titanic centennial retrospective.

The exhibit, opening exclusively at Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, gives movie fans a behind-the-scenes look at the making of James Cameron's award-winning drama and its role in the lore and legend of the RMS Titanic. The exhibit is available for viewing through December 2012.

While the museum's permanent exhibits focus on the factual history of the Titanic, the new movie-related exhibit featuring costumes, props and behind-the-scenes videos and photos, provides the museum an opportunity to explore the role of the disaster in today's popular culture.

"We feel the movie has earned its own place in film history and will stand forever as a tribute to RMS Titanic, her builders, passengers and crew," said John Joslyn, owner of the Titanic Museum Attraction and leader of the first private-expedition dive to explore Titanic's resting place. "The film's successful history as the first billion dollar blockbuster, one of the top Academy Award�-winning films of all time, and its highly anticipated release in 3D format illustrate how the stories of Titanic are just as compelling today as a century ago.

The movie will be return to movie theaters in 3-D format on April 6, 2012, in time to help commemorate the centennial of the great ship's voyage. Popular items from the movie on display at the Titanic Museum Attraction will include a $250,000 replica of the heart-shaped diamond and sapphire necklace pursued by characters from the film. The famous full-length pink coat worn by actress Kate Winslet during the film's climactic sinking scenes is also among the many famous costumes on display.

"We are excited to add this new dimension to our 100 year review of Titanic's legacy in our culture," said Joslyn. "Thanks to exclusive rights from private collectors, Titanic Museum Attraction is able to provide an unprecedented multi-dimensional exhibit associated with the film just as the film itself is returning to screens in a multi-dimensional format of its own."

The museum itself is housed inside a half-scale replica of three decks of the ship. Each and every day, Titanic Museum Attraction provides a gateway to 1912.

The exhibit is part of the Titanic Museum Attraction's year-long commemoration of the centennial of the fateful maiden voyage in April 1912.

"It has been 100 years since a lookout in the crow's nest shouted a warning of an iceberg ahead," said Joslyn. "In the century since that moment, we have been captivated by the stories of bravery and tragedy experienced by the 2,208 passengers and crew members. Throughout 2012, Titanic Museum Attraction will offer an ongoing series of special events, activities and ceremonies to pay our respects and honor their memory."

As the world remembers the most famous night in maritime history, Titanic Museum Attraction will continue to open the door to the past in it's one-of-a-kind way by allowing "passengers" to experience what it was like to walk the hallways, parlors, cabin and Grand Staircase of the Titanic while surrounded by more than 400 artifacts directly from the ship and its passengers. Visitors gain first-hand experience through interactive exhibits such as touching an actual iceberg, attempting to stand on sloping decks, and placing their hands into 28-degree water.

The museum itself is housed inside a half-scale replica of three decks of the ship. Each and every day, Titanic Museum Attraction provides a gateway to 1912, where First Class Maids and a variety of Officers and crew members bring the stories of the ship and its passengers to life in vivid, dramatic detail.

The Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, opens daily at 9 a.m. Reservations are strongly suggested since many days sell out entirely. Passengers may purchase tickets online at www.titanicattraction.com or by phone at (800) 381-7670.

Cedar Bay Entertainment, LLC owns and operates the Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson, Missouri, and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. A privately owned-and-operated entertainment and development company, Cedar Bay is headquartered in Branson, Missouri, the site of its first Titanic Museum Attraction. Titanic Branson has welcomed more than four million guests and Titanic Pigeon Forge boards approximately 100,000 "passengers" each month.