Springtime in Denmark: ’It Gets Better’ with Same-Sex Weddings
COPENHAGEN, Denmark - In February 2012, two new LGBT related projects were launched in Denmark. The first of the two is the online video project 'Det bli'r bedre', an official partner of the international initiative 'It Gets Better'. The project 'It Gets Better' consists of a series of videos featuring message-like stories by people of all sexualities and gender identities in order to inspire and support LGBT youth that have experienced bullying because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The 25-year-old, Martin M�ller Aamand, from Aarhus, is behind the Danish version of the project which has already proven to be a success locally, and several politicians, musician, and TV stars have already shown their support by recording and publishing their video messages to Danish LGBT youth.
The second project involves a housing project by the 'Gay Social Community' (Homosocialt F�llesskab), an association founded by Jobbe Joller from Aarhus. The idea behind the project being that through the Facebook page of this community, members are able to search for appropriate accommodation or tenants, free of cost.
The need for this project was sparked by the growing demand and difficulty in finding accommodation in the two largest cities of Denmark, Copenhagen and Aarhus. The founder of the project hopes this initiative will prove useful for both LGBT landlords as well as the respective tenants seeking accommodation.
The volunteers behind the MIX Copenhagen Film Festival came together in February in order to start preparing the 2012 film festival taking place later this year. MIX Copenhagen is a LGBTQ film festival that takes place every year in October in cinemas of Copenhagen and Malmo, Sweden.
The final event schedule for the festival has not yet been published, but this summer, 'Open Air Films' is expected to be held once again at �rstedsparken Park in downtown Copenhagen. 'Open Air Films' is a cooperation between MIX Festival and Copenhagen Pride, where LGBT related films are screened for free at the park during the week of Pride celebration in the city.
On February 9th the annual Danish LGBT awards, AXGIL, was celebrated at Bremen Theater in Copenhagen. AXGIL rewards outstanding persons and businesses for their contribution to improving the quality of life of LGBT people in Denmark and/or those that have enriched the Danish LGBT culture and society through their work. At AXGIL 2012, in addition to various members of the LGBT society and local celebrities, the Minister of Equality and Church along with another parliament member attended the show this year.
The AXGIL awards are presented in seven categories each year. Examples of the categories and this year�s winners are; the Organization of the year: The winner was Lambda, an LGBT organization from Odense and Media Person of the year: The winner was Sarah Skaalum, the openly lesbian winner of last year's Danish X-Factor.
An original way to celebrate Valentine's Day 2012 was presented by Copenhagen Pride this year. Between the 10th-14th of February, people were encouraged to send in a picture of a kiss where the picture that got the most 'Likes' would become the main picture featured on Copenhagen Pride�s official Facebook page this year - and the winner: A Homo-kiss!
At last, same-sex couples in Denmark can begin to pick out the perfect wedding outfits and select the right church for that special day as same-sex marriages are scheduled to become a reality this summer or as soon as the legislation passes through Parliament. The new Danish coalition government discussed the change of the law already in 2011 and the Minister of Equality and Church, Manu Sareen, has promised that same-sex marriages should be possible from June 2012 in Denmark. Way to go!
Reprinted with the courtesy of Homotropolis Crew