Lesbian Who Sued Over Prom Date Transfers Schools

by Shelia Byrd

Associated Press

Friday May 21, 2010


The lesbian who sued her rural school district over its ban of same-sex prom dates has transferred to a school in Mississippi's capital.

Constance McMillen told The Associated Press on Thursday that she now attends a high school in Jackson, about 180 miles from Itawamba Agricultural High School in Fulton.

McMillen filed a federal lawsuit against the Itawamba County School District in March over the district's decision to cancel the prom rather than allow her to bring her girlfriend. Afterward, McMillen said she faced hostility.

She won't say which school she now attends, but she plans to graduate June 2.

Members of a fundamentalist church from Kansas say they'll protest the Itawamba graduation Saturday because they think parents didn't teach their children to condemn homosexuality.

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