Openly Gay Mass. Lawmaker to Head AIDS Action Committee

Associated Press

Tuesday March 25, 2014

State Rep. Carl Sciortino is planning to step down to become the new executive director of The AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts.

Sciortino, who is gay, also revealed Tuesday that he has been living with HIV. The Medford Democrat has been a vocal advocate for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

The organization said Sciortino will become the first person living with HIV to lead AIDS Action since its founding in 1982.

Sciortino said his goal is to continue lowering the rate of new HIV diagnoses.

AIDS Action Board of Directors Chairman Douglas Spencer praised Sciortino's work on social justice issues and his "advocacy on behalf of those infected, affected, and at risk for HIV."

Sciortino earlier this year launched a failed campaign for Edward Markey's old U.S. House seat.

He will resign April 4.

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