Grenada Senator Urges New Look at Anti-Sodomy Laws

Associated Press

Wednesday May 29, 2013

The president of Grenada's Senate says the Caribbean island should reconsider its laws prohibiting sex between men.

Sen. Lawrence Joseph says "the day is fast approaching" when Grenada and other socially conservative countries in the English-speaking Caribbean will need to amend anti-sodomy laws to "fall in line with the mainstream."

In a commentary piece for local newspapers, Joseph writes that acceptance of gays is becoming a modern-day trend. He says bigger, wealthier nations could impose sanctions and withhold aid as a consequence of maintaining local anti-sodomy laws.

He also says it is reasonable to question why sex between two men should be outlawed.

Weekly newspapers in Grenada will publish Joseph's commentary Friday. He sent a copy of his piece to The Associated Press on Tuesday.

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