NY school crowns gay friends prom king and queen

Associated Press

Thursday June 10, 2010


A pair of gay best friends were voted prom king and queen by such a wide margin at an upstate New York high school that the school didn't bother choosing runners-up.

Seniors Charlie Ferrusi and Timmy Howard won their respective crown and tiara by a landslide Saturday. They started thinking about running about a month ago and ran the idea past advisers and the principal, who gave their blessing.

The boys say one of the hardest parts of the experience was deciding who would be king and who would be queen.

In recent years, Hudson has developed a sizable gay community, including some residents who have opened antique shops and galleries and have restored many of the city's historic homes. The city of about 7,000 sits on the shore of the Hudson River 30 miles south of Albany.

Information from: The Register Star, http://www.registerstar.com

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