Miss Ellie is Alive!

by Sue O’Connell

Bay Windows

Tuesday February 22, 2011

Provincetown favorite Miss Ellie is hospitalized but, contrary to reports published on Towleroad, facebook, and other web sites, she is alive.

Tommy Yaz reports:

"Ellie is still alive surrounded by family. I just spent the day with her (Monday) and her wonderful Family. Her condition is getting better but she still needs your prayers and well wishes. Please stop posting that she passed! She has a few more New York, New Yorks and high kicks left in her."

Even occasional visitors to Provincetown recognize Miss EllieHby her yearly sign "76 years old and living my dream." You can often find her in front of Town Hall with her battery powered karaoke singing standards.

Last year she worked with Yaz on a new recording project.

See some clips here and be sure to send an extra dollar or two her way this summer.

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