Family Ends Search for Amber DeVoe

by Sue O’Connell

Bay Windows

Thursday July 14, 2011

The family of Amber DeVoe, who last had contact with family and friends on June 22, has ended their search for Amber and returned to their home in Michigan.

DeVoe was reported missing a week after her last contact and became the focus of a nation-wide search fueled by old-fashioned posters and new social media.

Reports surfaced last week that have led the family to conclude that Amber was safe and possibly "needed a break,".

Below is a message to the community and Amber that the family has posted on the facebook page created to aid in the search.

"We apologize for the confusion and conflicting reports over the last few days. We will try to clear up some questions so that we can give everyone some sort of closure. However, please keep in mind, there are many details that the family doesn't know the answers to and also details that the family has chosen to keep private.

We, Amber's family, do not currently know for sure where Amber is located. Amber has not contacted the family or anyone that we know of to let us know she is safe. However through the course of our investigation, evidence leads us to believe that Amber has chosen to leave on her own accord. We hope she is doing okay, maybe taking some personal time for herself and traveling. We patiently hope for her to contact us or return.

We will not give up hope that Amber will someday contact us or come home. However, unless new evidence leads us to another direction, we will attempt to return to our daily life, work, and families. We are no longer requesting assistance in hanging fliers and conducting searches.

We would like to thank EVERYONE for the help we received. Even the smallest gestures were greatly appreciated. We and Amber are so blessed to have so many people who care and are willing to help in any way. Thank you for your time, donations, information, prayers, kind words and generosity in this difficult time.

Although Amber is not home and safe in her families arms, we find strength in our faith and trust that she is being protected in the arms of God. Please pray for us as we try to make sense of everything and also as we have the difficult task of letting her daughter know.

Amber, I don't know if you can see this, but if you can, please know that your family and friends are not judging you. We LOVE you! Please call us or come home.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12"

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