Boston-area performer suffers stroke; friends rally to support recovery

by Hannah Clay Wareham

Bay Windows

Monday August 8, 2011

Aliza Shapiro suffered a stroke caused by a cerebral hemorrhage and was admitted to the hospital on Monday, July 25.

The well loved Boston-area performance artist created Truth Serum Productions in 1994 -- the name behind Trani Wreck and several other shows and performances.

Friends of Shapiro -- Laura Teodosio, Susanna Bohme, Gina Kamentsky, and Kuma Lisa -- are organizing fundraising efforts to help pay for her medical care under the name Aliza's Brain Trust.

"She currently has motor and vision impairment on the right side as well as language impairment. Aliza will have a long challenging road back to full recovery but we know she will get there with the love and support of her family, friends and various creative communities," the Aliza's Brain Trust website reads. "Our goal is to raise at least ten months worth of living expenses for Aliza as it is unlikely that she will be able to work for a long while."

As of the time of this posting, the group had raised nearly $19,000. Visit their website or Facebook page for more information.

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