Religious Group to Vanderbilt: Don’t Discriminate Against Religious Student Groups That Discriminate Against Gays

Associated Press

Wednesday October 19, 2011

Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus are urging Vanderbilt University not to force its nondiscrimination policy on religious student groups.

About a year ago, a gay student accused a Christian fraternity of dismissing him because of his sexual orientation. Later, Vanderbilt reviewed its 380 student groups.

Four religious groups were found to not be in compliance with the policy. They have been placed on provisional status while the university continues to explore the issue.

In a letter dated Oct. 6, 23 prayer caucus members wrote to Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos asking him not to interpret the policy "in a manner that discriminates against religious groups," according to The Tennessean (

Vanderbilt issued a statement saying groups chose to affiliate with the university and sign a statement that they will not discriminate.

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