Ohio Man Says He Shot Partner in Self-Defense

by Jason St. Amand

National News Editor

Sunday April 22, 2012

John Reed, a 54-year-old Columbus man has been charged with the murder of his longtime partner Jeffrey Coldwell, 56. Reed's attorney is claiming that Reed shot him in self-defense, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

Last Friday, police found Reed outside his house and his partner dead inside. Reed was soon charged with murder and a judge set his bail at $250,000.

According to a police report Reed "informed officers that he had been in an argument with his roommate/life partner and the argument turned violent."

"He stated (Caldwell) had been beating him, and he was fearing for his life. He grabbed his .22-caliber revolver and as (Caldwell) cornered him in the bathtub, he shot (Caldwell)."

Reed called 911 and told the dispatcher that he just shot his roommate because "he was killing me, he was trying to kill me." He also told the dispatcher that Caldwell chased him in the bathroom and assaulted him before Reed shot him.

Reed's attorney Terry Sherman told Franklin County Municipal Judge William Pollitt Jr. that Reed was being attacked by his partner and didn't shoot him until he was cornered. The authorities found the weapon in the bathroom.

Friends were shocked over Caldwell's death. Caldwell worked in the wine department at Kroger, the major supermarket chain in Ohio.

"He was so full of life," said Dee Ganoom, a co-worker who had known Caldwell for about a year. "He knew everyone's name and what they drank."

Ryan Bolden, also a co-worker, said that Caldwell was a father figure and helped him with his private life. He said they would often stay up late talking and drinking wine.

"He was full of charisma, full of energy," he said. "He could out-party anyone."

Reed was an employee at Ohio State University Medical Center for 30 years until he retired in 2008.

A report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) found that domestic violence within the LGBT community is on the rise. Statistics from an October 2010 report show an increase in domestic abuse incidents. The report said that violence among gay couples resulted in six deaths in 2010 -- the same amount as in 2009.