City Official Says He Talked to Harvey Milk’s Spirit Via Ouija
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A San Francisco supervisor says he consulted a Ouija board before city leaders voted on whether to recommend naming a Navy ship after slain gay rights activist Harvey Milk.
Supervisor John Avalos tells the San Francisco Chronicle ( ) that he believes he made contact with Milk's spirit and that Milk spelled out letters indicating: "Good riddance to don't ask, don't tell."
The Board of Supervisors approved the non-binding resolution Tuesday on a 9-2 vote.
Milk was a city supervisor and former naval officer. He was fatally shot in 1978 by Dan White.
Supporters say the naming would honor the repeal of the 'don't ask, don't tell" law barring open homosexuality in the military.
Opponents say Milk opposed war and it would be inappropriate to name a warship after him.