Rev. Jesse Jackson Will Marry Same-Sex Couples

by Jason St. Amand

National News Editor

Monday September 10, 2012

During the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., , Rev. Jesse Jackson told reporters that he supports marriage equality and that he would have "no problem" with performing a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple, the conservative website Human Events reported.

"Beginning with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, to the inclusion of blacks, Hispanics, 18 year olds, and women, opportunities are now unlimited," Jackson said and added that he had "no problem with that relationship - (couples of the same gender marrying)."

Jackson's support echoes that of President Barack Obama, who accepted the Democratic Party's nomination on Thursday and said earlier this summer that he supports marriage equality. The DNC also proved to be a record presence for gay men and women as the majority of the political party embraced LGBT rights, the Associated Press reported.

Additionally, the Democratic Party, for the first time, added marriage equality to its party platform.

When Human Events asked Jackson if he would marry a same-sex couple the reverend said, "If I was asked to."

"We're taught that being gay is a sin to be overcome through conversion. Without that you go to Hell," Jackson was quoted saying in a May article by TIME. "If your theology is rooted in that view, then there's not much room to grow."

In April 2011, Tommy Bennett, an openly gay man who worked at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition alleged that Jackson harassed and fired him because of his sexuality, Wikipedia notes. He filed a complaint with the City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations against the reverend and the organization.

But not everyone was pleased with Jackson's statements. When the conservative website Life Site News reported the story, a number of its readers reacted and left comments.

"Thuh Rev-uh-rund mmmmm-Jack-sohn, wants to help sodomites perpetuate their sewer habits of perversion which they freely choose to do. What gaineth a man if he wins the world but loseth his soul, Mr Jackson?" one reader wrote. "OH MY God!!! Now I know our nation has turned against the moral values of the bible. when a man that has been preacing the gospel for many years says he will perform a ceromony for gays," another posted.