Boston Magazine Profiles Rintala Case

by Sue O’Connell

Bay Windows

Saturday June 1, 2013

In 2010, prosecutors accused Cara Rintala, of Northampton, of strangling and beating her wife, Annamarie Cochrane Rintalan. It was the first time in the state's history that a woman had been accused of murdering her lawfully wedded wife

The women, both paramedics, had been married for two years and were raising a child.

They had filed divorce papers and restraining orders against each other but withdrawn them.

In March of this year, jurors failed to either acquit or convict Cara Rintala for the murder of her wife and the Hampshire Superior Court jury declared a mistrial.

In this month's "Boston Magazine," writer Joe McGinniss details the lives of the women and the trial. His article "Reasonable Doubt" gets to the weakness of the prosecution's case that left the jury uncertain about the guilt of Cara Rintala.

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