Judge: Kentucky Woman Must Testify Against Partner

Associated Press

Tuesday September 24, 2013

A Kentucky judge has ruled that the same-sex partner of a woman charged with murder must testify against her and isn't protected by the husband-wife privilege under state law.

The case is the first legal test in the state over forcing same-sex partners to testify against each other.

WDRB-TV (http://bit.ly/18PUgPP) reported that Jefferson County Circuit Judge Susan Schultz Gibson ruled Monday that it's "abundantly clear" that Kentucky doesn't recognize same-sex marriages within the state or from other states.

Bobbie Jo Clary and Geneva Case entered into a civil union in Vermont several years ago. Prosecutors argued Case should have to testify about hearing Clary admit to killing a man two years ago and seeing her clean blood out of the man's van. Clary maintains she acted in self-defense while being raped.

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