Colo. College Football Coach Suspended for Using Gay Slurs

by Jason St. Amand

National News Editor

Tuesday December 24, 2013

A defensive line coach for Colorado State has been slapped with a two-week suspension without pay after he was caught by ESPN's cameras during the New Mexico Bowl hurling a gay slur, CBS Sports reports.

After a dramatic game coach Greg Lupfer and Washington State quarterback Connor Halliday were caught in a verbal altercation after the athlete threw a touchdown pass in the first half of the game.

After the game, Halliday told reporters that the coach "said some profane things" to him during the verbal incident.

CBS Sports reports that Colorado State Athletic Director Jack Graham will require that Lupfer take anger management and diverse training classes.

"I accept these consequences-two weeks without pay and the training programs-and I am thankful for this second chance to continue coaching at Colorado State and be a part of the Ram Family," Lupfer said. "I am deeply sorry for my behavior, which does not represent who I am or my values. I embrace the opportunity to participate in anger management and diversity sensitivity training.

"I was angry and careless with my words, and my words hurt many people," he continued. "I sincerely apologize to the GLBTQ community for causing pain by using a slur without considering its meaning. I take ownership of my words and fully understand why people are very upset."