VIDEO - Anti-Gay Preacher Drowned Out by Students' Hymn


EDGE Media Network Contributor

Sunday September 21, 2014

Here's something for a Sunday that will make even the most jaded LGBT activist feel a little better about Christians.

Proving that the guitar is mightier than the sword, an anti-gay preacher with a mission of spreading the gospel of hellfire and damnation, got some unwanted accompaniment this week on the campus of James Madison University in Virginia this week, when counter-protesters drowned out his message of hate with a modern hymn of love.

With rhetoric like "All homo's are going to hell", "If you love masturbation, you know what you are? You're a potential homosexual" and "All you horny frat boys that love to do drugs and get drunk, you are going to hell," Ross Jackson, founder of Revival Mission Ministries already faced an uphill battle trying to get his message of hate and intolerance through to a group of Millenials.

According to the Huffington Post, listening to country music is also on Jackson list of things guaranteed to get you a one-way ticket to Lucifer's lounge. Suitable then, that students on JMU's campus last week chose Christian Country singer David Crowder's "How He Loves" to overpower the bigot's message.

"A lot of students were giving him attention so he just kept going," JMU senior Ryan Gormley told USA Today. "He did this for about an hour or so and some students were shouting back at him, but eventually instead of shouting, they started singing."

None of this seemed to phase the bigoted preacher. "The devil was clearly working in opposition to the hearing of the gospel." Jackson said.

"I really think that your generation has a capacity to make the world a better place," JMU instructor Charles Maddox said to a reporter to the schools newspaper The Breeze. "You're more embracing of others. I was raised in a world where parents were very bigoted. Don't hasten to judge others...I think your generation has a chance of disarming the world."

The event captured on video by Diego Jauregui has gone viral on YouTube with 658,757 views.