Rosenberg Has the Votes

by Sue O’Connell

Bay Windows

Thursday August 1, 2013

Openly gay State Senator Stanley Rosenberg of Amherst has the votes to succeed Senator Therese Murray as Senate President, according to a published report at WGBH.

"I now have an overwhelming majority of the democratic caucus to have me replace the senate president when she retires from the post," Rosenberg told WGBH.

Murray's term expires in January 2015.

If elected president, Rosenberg would become the first openly gay senate president and the first Jewish senate president in Massachusetts history. As Senate Majority Leader, the position he currently holds, Rosenberg is the highest ranking out LGBT elected official in the commonwealth.

Rosenberg came out publicly as a gay man in a column he wrote for the Greenfield Recorder in 2009.

"As a foster child who grew up as ward of the state, as a gay man, as a Jew, I understand what it's like to be as 'the other.' I rarely discuss these facets of my character because I don't practice identity politics," Rosenberg wrote in the column.

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