Has Former President Trump Gone Gay-Friendly?

by Emell Adolphus

EDGE Media Network Contributor

Friday March 1, 2024
Originally published on February 29, 2024

Former President Trump knows how to generate headlines for his often controversial and racist views that pander directly to his Republican base. But it seems he wanted to keep a little wedding he permitted at Mar-a-Lago on the low.

As reported by Meidas Tocuh Network, Trump quietly approved the nuptials of a same-sex couple to be hosted at the property, and the newly-weds allegedly had connections to the Log Cabin Republicans of Tennessee.

Per the controversial group's Social Media pages, John Sullivan and Dan Medora were married on Friday at the Trump property in a "celebration of love nad style that will be cherished forever."

Sullivan serves as vice chairman and treasure for the Log Cabin Republicans of Tennessee, and Trump's anti-LGBTQ policies didn't seem to stop him or his extended family from feeling right at home.

The Log Cabin Republicans of Tennessee describes itself as a "LGBT Republicans and straight allies who support equality under the law for all, free markets, individual liberty, limited government, and a strong national defense."

In an Instagram post, Sullivan personally thanked Trump for his hospitality.

"Huge thank you to Donald Trump for giving us the green light to have our wedding at the beautiful Mar-a-Lago club," he wrote.

Sullivan has credited Trump for appointing the first openly gay American to a cabinet position, which was Richard Grenell as director of National Intelligence in his last year in office. However, Trump has also took up the position to ban transgender people from serving in the military, rolling back Obama-era protections, and removing HIV positive military members.

So, congratulations to the happy couple?