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Fans Slam Sam Smith for Police Pride Post

by Emell Adolphus

EDGE Media Network Contributor

Tuesday June 27, 2023

Sam Smith seems to be courting criticism and controversy as of late. Or is it that everyone just needs to just calm down?

As reported by Buzzfeed, like millions of LGBTQ people around the country, was having a time at New York City's Pride festivities over the weekend and shared a few pics showing what he has been up to.

Clad in a cut-off ensemble and cowboy boots, Smith was spotted in NYC's West Village at the legendary Julius and snapped a few pics in front of it with hand on hip.

Then Smith proceeded to pose with two, admittedly gorgeous, New York City Police Department officers, which rubbed some of their fans the wrong way.

As one social media shared, "This might be the least surprising thing sam smith has done."

What's the beef? Well many fans and commentators are saying that Smith should know better, considering Pride started as a riot against the police June 1969 with the Stonewall Riots.

"Not the cops babe," one social media user urged while another questioned: "Why are you posing with cops?"

Perhaps because gays need allies in local police departments and not adversaries? What do you think?

It's been a rough couple of months for Smith, after they dropped a new song with Madonna and had to cancel a show all in one week.

Not all the comments were bad though. Paris Hilton commented on the photo with her signature: "That's hot."