5-Year-Old Star of Disney Channel Sitcom Receives Threats Surrounding ’Two Mommies’ Episode
"Die Mia, F**king Die in hell! Kill yourself, you deserve to die."
This is not exactly the kind of fan mail a television personality expects to find posted to their public Instagram account. What makes this case even more disturbing is the victim in this case is a 5-year old. TMZ reports.
Mia Talerico, the pint-sized star who plays Charlie Duncan on the Disney Channel family sitcom "Good Luck Charlie," which last week ran an episode featuring a subplot with a child who had lesbian parents, has been receiving some disturbing threats via social media. The episode has drawn fire from religious right groups since it was announced last summer. For several months leading up to the airing of the episode, American Family Association media watchdog offshoot group One Million Moms ran an aggressive yet unsuccessful campaign to put pressure on the network and sponsors to pull the episode.
According to police documents obtained by TMZ, Talerico, 5, began receiving threatening messages via social media in the weeks leading up to the controversial two mommy episode, including one that read "Die Mia, F**king Die in hell! Kill yourself, you deserve to die."
TMZ also reports that the suspect sent a photograph of the 5-year-old actress' head with a bloody fist covering it and the message "Yes, kill you stupid bitch."
Talerico's mother has contacted Disney security and the Los Angeles Police Department, whose Threat Management Unit is actively tracking down the suspect.
Although the thwarted One Million Moms campaign against the Disney Channel for running the episode is the most publicized, other right wing Christian commentators have hopped on the bandwagon to condemn the network for running the episode.
This week, AFA Radio host Sandy Rios had Americans for the Truth About Homosexuality president Peter LaBarbera on her show. EDGE reported that the pair damned the family entertainment giant and suggested that this is a good case for the United States to adopt legislation similar to Russia's "gay propaganda" law.
"Look at the Disney show, they are promoting lesbianism to kids who don't even know what sex is yet. How are kids going to process that information of two moms? This is not horrific legislation." LaBarbera said, praising the Russian law further calling it "acceptable and a good idea" to which Rios agreed, calling the law "common sense."