Boston man accused of killing husband

by Hannah Clay Wareham

Bay Windows

Friday March 18, 2011

41-year-old Malden resident Michael Losee is accused of murdering his husband, 55-year-old Brian Bergeron, police say.

"This appears to be a tragic incident of domestic violence, committed by the spouse of the victim," Middlesex District Attorney Gerard Leone told the Boston Herald.

Bergeron was found dead inside the couple's Clarendon Street apartment around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 9. Losee has been charged with his murder after it was found that he telephoned a friend in Florida and allegedly confessed to the crime. The friend alerted authorities.

"The Gay Men's Domestic Violence Project (GMDVP) is saddened to hear of the domestic homicide involving a married same-sex couple in Malden," the GMDVP said in a statement. "The circumstance of the murder has yet to be determined, but it is a stark reminder of the pervasiveness of domestic violence within our society."

Former neighbor David Jackson said that Bergeron and Losee had been together at least 20 years.

"They were very compatible," he told the Herald. "I don't understand what would touch off such a thing."

In the organization's public statement, the GMDVP remarked on the tragic nature of the crime. "As in the case of Brian Bergeron, domestic violence can end in fatal circumstances as a result of a violent act; but other times, domestic violence can be played out in more subtle ways, through the use of psychological, verbal, financial, cultural and/or sexual abusive tactics by one person to gain control over another. Regardless of its manifestation, signs of domestic violence in LGBT relationships need to be responded to with serious attention.

"If you have concerns about your relationship, we can provide you with support -- helping you explore your situation, identify your options, and make plans to stay safe. GMDVP is here to help the LGBT community and can be reached through our 24/7 hotline (800) 832-1901."

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