Anti-bullying advocate Scott Herman attacked in NH

by Hannah Clay Wareham

Bay Windows

Wednesday August 10, 2011

Scott Herman, a former star of MTV's "The Real World - Brooklyn," alleges that he was the victim of road rage early Friday, July 29 in Salem.

The Eagle Tribune reports that three men called him a derogatory name from their pick-up truck, and then approached his car.

"In two seconds, they had both my car doors open," Herman told the Tribune. "I told them to leave me alone. I was calm."

Even when one of the assailants was in the passenger seat trying to kick Herman, the anti-bullying advocate said he kept his cool and dialed 911.

"I think people need to see even if you're being attacked, you need to do the right thing," Herman said. "The situation could have been crazy both ways. But you don't need to resort to violence."

Herman locked the doors, noted the assailants' license plate, and sped away.

Dean Bidgood and Michael Leavitt, both 21 and both of Atkinson, face multiple charges including simple assault, the Tribune reported. Michael Smith, 21, of Salem, was not involved in the alleged assault.

Herman's Toyota Scion is wrapped in advertising for his fitness company, Herman told the Tribune he believes the alleged assailants had no doubt as to who they were attacking.

Herman, who is straight, has been a longtime LGBT ally and an anti-bullying advocate.

"The main thing I want to get out there is I want these kids to make a change in their life," he told the Tribune, saying he'd like a letter of apology from the alleged assailants. "I want them to know I also believe in forgiveness. If it wasn't for forgiveness, I wouldn't be the person I am today."

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