New Details in Mississippi Killing: African-American Victim Was Also Gay

by Kilian Melloy

EDGE Staff Reporter

Thursday August 25, 2011

The African American victim of a group of white teens in a Mississippi murder case was targeted because of his race, prosecutors allege -- but he was also gay, new information notes, and the teen who ran him over in a pickup truck reportedly has a history of anti-gay harassment.

The victim, James Anderson, was attacked in a parking lot in Jackson, Mississippi, on the night of June 26. Authorities allege the group of 7 white teens who assaulted and robbed him were looking for a black person to attack.

"According to police reports, these drunken teens drove 16 miles to the predominantly African-American city of Jackson (also called Jafrica or Jack-Africa among some racist Mississippi whites) with the sole purpose of looking for 'a nigger' that they could 'mess with,' " an Aug. 18 Huffington Post article said. "Unfortunately for Anderson, he was the first Black person they came across as they entered the city."

The teens' defenders say that they were simply out carousing when their paths happened to cross Anderson's.

Whatever reason the teens may have had for being there, security video shows Anderson standing by his vehicle when the teens pull up and attack. Anderson was reportedly robbed as well as beaten, but the most horrific part of the attack came after most of the group had seemingly withdrawn, speeding off in a car: A pickup truck, allegedly driven by 19-year-old Deryl Dedmon, ran Anderson down even as he was staggering away from the scene.

Dedmon and the crowd he ran with had reportedly bullied other teens, using homophobic language and threats, on previous occasions. Anderson's killing took on a chilling new dimension when new details emerged in the press indicating that he was gay as well as black.

The New York Times noted in an Aug. 22 article that Anderson, 48, and his male life partner had been together for 17 years. The men were caring for a 4-year-old girl, a relative of Anderson's partner. Anderson was also a choir member at his Baptist church.

The New York Times reported that, according to the district attorney, no evidence exists that Anderson was targeted for being gay. But those defending Dedmon and another teen, John Rice, who has only been charged with assault, have voiced skepticism that racial bias was a driving factor in the attack -- although witnesses recounted that one of the teens shouted "White power!" as the attack took place, and Dedmon referred to Anderson by a racial epithet when bragging later about having run him over.

A Baptist preacher, the Rev. Brian Richardson, told the press that Dedmon had used anti-gay slurs against Richardson's 18-year-old son. In that case, the homophobic invective seemed linked to racism; Richardson said that Dedham also harassed his son for having black friends. The teens were both in the same high school, the article said. At one point, Dedmon's harassment was threatening enough that the police were called.

Anderson's family told police that the assailants took Anderson's wallet, ring, and phone. That led authorities to stiffen the charges against Dedmon, who might now be subject to the death penalty, ABC News reported on Aug. 24.

The other five teens that were allegedly at the scene have not, as yet, been charged.

Kilian Melloy serves as EDGE Media Network's Associate Arts Editor and Staff Contributor. His professional memberships include the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, the Boston Online Film Critics Association, The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association, and the Boston Theater Critics Association's Elliot Norton Awards Committee.