AFA Exec to Google :: ’I Wish I Knew How To Quit You’

by Jason St. Amand

National News Editor

Thursday July 12, 2012

On Tuesday a member of the American Family Association (AFA), an ultra-conservative and anti-gay organization, announced a boycott on Google because of a gay-friendly campaign the company launched this week.

Buster Wilson, AFA's general radio networks manager, responded to Google's "Legalize Love" campaign, that supports gay rights in a number of countries around the world, and told supporters to stop using Google and the company's several products, Right Wing Watch points out.

"We are a part of boycotting efforts similar to this with other businesses," Wilson, also a pastor and evangelist, said on his radio show.

"A lot of us are so integrated into Google and Google products. This is going to be a tough one," he continued. "It's more than just a search engine. Many of us have Android phones -- the Android system is a Google product. Many of us use Google calendar, Google Tasks and Gmail.

"And all those kinds of things. YouTube. And all the other things ... this one's going to be tough. This one's going to be one of those situations where I guess we'll test the meat of our convictions," Wilson said.

But it seems as though Wilson and the group couldn't last long without using the search engine giant and its products, which includes YouTube, Android phones, Chrome and much, much more. The pastor took to his personal blog and claimed that Right Wing Watch misconstrued his message and that he was not calling for a boycott on Google.

"Nothing could be more fabricated than the essence of this story against us!" he wrote and claimed that the website edited the radio show and "take my words out of the context of the larger discussion, and make me sound like I am saying something that I actually did not say."

"I was speaking on my show about how horrible it is that companies like Google, like Home Depot and others, use their powerful influence in our communities to push the gay agenda upon the rest of us. Like, pushing for homosexual marriage," he wrote. "Demanding special designations and rights for them simply because of their preferred sexual lifestyles."

But if that didn't clear it up enough, Wilson spelled it out for his readers: "I stated that It would BE TOUGH FOR SOMEONE LIKE ME TO CHOOSE TO NOT BE SUPPORTIVE OF SOMEONE LIKE GOOGLE, BECAUSE I AM SO INTERTWINED WITH GOOGLE PRODUCTS (Android phones, search engines, calendars, to do lists, youtube, google shop and on and on and on.....)."

"I DID NOT ONCE USE THE TERM NOR DID I STATE, CATEGORICALLY OR OTHERWISE, THAT AFA WAS CALLING FOR A BOYCOTT OF GOOGLE. N-E-V-E-R! I referenced the fact that we WERE boycotting other efforts to push the gay agenda. But I never called for a boycott of Google. They are simply peddling a lie to say that I did."

This isn't the first time AFA has issued a boycott against a business. The group has urged their followers to stop shopping at Home Depot, JC Penney, Toys 'R' Us, Urban Outfitters and many others. AFA has also boycotted Oreo Cookies, Comedy Central, DC Comics and more.

Watch the clip of Wilson's radio show below: