Georgia Teen Kicked Out of Home for Being Bisexual

by Jason St. Amand

National News Editor

Monday November 4, 2013

A teen from Georgia says that his parents kicked him out of their home after they found out he is bisexual.

According to the Huffington Post, the 18-year-old, only known as Nick, posted a YouTube video of him recounting the incident, explaining that his stepmother and his father tossed his belongings on to the front lawn, took his car, cell phone and money out of his savings account.

Since being kicked out of the house, local Good Samaritan, Steve Bevers, whose mother-in-law works with Nick, welcomed him into his home and set up a GoFundMe page in order to help the teen out. The profile says Nick is a freshman at Kennesaw State University and is from Marietta, Georgia, about 20 miles north of Atlanta. It also explains that someone told the teen's parents he is gay (though in Nick's YouTube video, he identifies as bisexual).

"They kicked him out of his home. While he was at work they showed up and took the car that was in their name, even though he made the payments on it," the profile reads. "They put all his stuff on the front yard, and told him to come pick it up before it gets stolen.

"And to add insult to all that injury, they then used the fact that his bank accounts were 'custodial accounts' to take all his funds, taking the considerable amount he had saved up over the past 3 years working as a bag boy at Publix," the profile reads. It goes on to say the teen doesn't have a mode of transportation to get to school and that his parents "emptied his accounts."

"Worst of all, he has felt that the people most responsible for loving and protecting him through anything have turned their backs and don't care where he's sleeping, or how he's going to feed himself," the profile reads.

Bevers also spoke to the Huffington Post about Nick's situation and said he was "flabbergasted" when he heard the teen's parents kicked him out over his sexual orientation.

"I couldn't understand how a parent could do that. While I'm sure there are multiple sides to the story, I just was amazed. I was hurt. The first thing I asked was, 'Does he need a place to stay? Does he need some money?'"

The GoFundMe page's goal is $15,000 but as of this writing, Nick has earned more than $22,000.

On Oct. 24 Nick uploaded a video of him thanking people who have donated money and explained what happened to him.

"This whole thing started when my stepmom caught wind of me being bisexual," he said. "I don't know where she got her information from, but I know it wasn't from me. She didn't like that and neither did my dad. I got told some very vulgar and disgusting things... That's why I didn't tell them, because I wasn't ready."

Bevers also told HuffPo that he is "absolutely blown away" and "amazed, humbled and once again, I had my faith in humanity restored," because of the support Nick has received.

"Bad things happen -- that will always be the truth. But what this showed me is that people want to help. People want to give and to trust," he said.

Watch Nick's video below: