Trump Confirmed to Speak at Hate Group Event This Weekend

Thursday September 24, 2015

Fans of Donald Trump who were disappointed that the GOP presidential front-runner had passed on attending this year's Value Voter Summit (VVS) can now rest at ease. The former reality star had a change of heart and will now attend the event organized the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council this week.

In a press release sent out by FRC Wednesday, the organization applauded Trump for joining seven other GOP presidential hopefuls to speak at VVS's 10th annual gathering taking place in Washington, D.C. this weekend.

Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Rick Santorum are also scheduled to speak.

The annual event has become a must for Republican politicians to get in touch with the GOP's evangelical base. Ironically, according to the Boston Globe, Trump, who is thrice married, operates casinos and can't recall a verse from his "favorite book" - The Bible, has the backing of evangelical voters.

"I love the evangelicals," Trump said recently.

Although The Donald is leading in the polls, his popularity may take a backseat at VVS to another speaker with a history of multiple marriage. On Friday, Rowan County clerk Kim Davis, will be honored at the event with the "Cost of Discipleship Award.

As for Trump, Right Wing Watch notes that Values Voter Summit has traditionally been an event at which speakers are wildly cheered for delivering bigoted remarks and self-righteous tirades. Trump will probably fit right in.