British-Mexican Man Caught in Grindr 'Sting' Leaves Qatar

by Emell Adolphus

EDGE Media Network Contributor

Sunday August 18, 2024
Originally published on August 15, 2024

The British-Mexican who was arrested and detained for several months in a Grindr "sting" in Qatar has finally been able to leave the country and return to the United Kingdom, according to the BBC.

Upon his arrest in February, 44-year-old Manuel Guerrero Aviña said he was targeted because of his sexuality and his detention was "a breach of [his] human rights," the BBC continued.

Aviña was given a six-month suspended sentence and fined £2,100, and he unsuccessfully tried to appeal the sentence after Qatar claimed that his sentencing was solely focused on his possession of drugs.

However, Aviña's family believes the drugs were planted on him during the arrest. Additionally, his family claimed in a statement posted on X that Aviña, who is HIV positive, was not given regular access to his medication, putting his life at risk, the BBC said.

With the news that Aviña has made it home, a group formed by Aviña's family released a statement thanking those involved.

"Manuel and his family thank you for your tireless support in this emblematic struggle against injustice, against homophobia and in favour of human rights for all people," wrote the group, which calls itself the Manuel Guerrero Committee.

Former British diplomat in Qatar James Lynch, who is now co-director of human rights organization FairSquare, called Aviña's experience a "horrendous ordeal," reported the BBC.

"I don't underestimate how much of a toll this experience will have taken on him," said Lynch. "Amongst other things, he went through a terribly unfair trial that UN experts have raised serious concerns about, and was deprived of his HIV medication in prison."

He added, "I hope he can find time and space in the coming weeks and months for rest and recovery."